Blu-Ray Review: SUPERMAN THE MOVIE: Extended Cut - Too much of a good thing.

I was 13 years old when I saw SUPERMAN THE MOVIE for the first time. It was opening at a theatre roughly 15 minutes away from home, on the South Shore of Montreal. (I now live less than 2 minutes away from the same venue). I remember a long line outside, snaking its way into a room that was so overfull, people were sitting in the stairs leading down to the screen (this was most likely before those pesky fire department regulations). From the first notes of John Williams's powerful score, I was hooked for life. I now know every notes of that soundtrack, and every lines of that dialogue. Its reverential grasp of traditionally ridiculed pulpish source material was a breath of fresh air, and conferred a proper dramatic weight to a character that had been until then treated in a rather puerile way in plethora of movie serials , some gorgeous cartoons and a popular TV show . All of a sudden, it was treated with respect, starring beloved actors like Gene Hackman and Marlon Br...