
Showing posts from May, 2018

Spoiler-Free Movie Review: DEADPOOL 2 - Eclectic Boogaloo

SPOILER-FREE MOVIE REVIEW: DEADPOOL 2 Eclectic Boogaloo I never cared much for DEADPOOL as a comic book character. He was pretty much emblematic of an era in the medium that was repulsive for me both artistically and creatively. In the late 80s, such innovative creators like Frank Miller (notably with his celebrated stint on DAREDEVIL and his classic DARK KNIGHT RETURNS in 1986) and Alan Moore (with his outstanding deconstruction of SWAMP THING in 1983 with Stephen Bissette and John Tottleben, and his ground-breaking 1986 mini-series WATCHMEN , among others) brought a fair amount of grittiness and violence to a genre that was still widely seen as ''kiddie literature'' by the public. (A  perception that was inadequate, to be sure, but still widespread) They conveyed a general sense of respectability and legitimacy that actually lead to the production of the film that would redefine how superheroes were portrayed in films; Burton's BATMAN . Comic books, o


Having followed all the Marvel Cinematic Universe films since the beginning in 2008, when IRON MAN successfully launched a franchise that seemed unlikely at the time, I am the perfect target audience for AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR . I have watched and enjoyed to different degrees all 18 of the previous films deftly produced and supervised by Kevin Feige. The MCU has ingeniously established a strong continuity between films, characters and plot lines progressively crossing over and teasing towards new adventures, until it all beautifully came together in the outstanding first AVENGERS movie (Joss Whedon, 2012). Since then, this kind of consensual, ''Expanded Universe'' style has spilled over other studios, namely Warner, whose DC Universe movies have met with scorn from the critics (Save for the surprisingly good WONDER WOMAN by Patty Jenkins in 2017), and Universal who killed its own Dark Universe with its painfully confused THE MUMMY the same year. A similar a