''See the sea, my friend!'' When you consider that our planet is covered by over 70% of water, legends regarding the mysteries of the depths and its mysterious inhabitants were inevitable. Sailors traveling across the oceans may have witnessed the vaguely human shape of a manatee or a seal slicing through the waves, and dream up in their drunken stupor fantasies of humans who have adapted to an underwater existence. The first account of the mermaid legend itself seems to date back to over 3000 years, with the Assyrian myth of the Goddess Atargatis who jumped into a lake after accidentally killing her lover, and became part fish. Followed a number of tales and legends, including 1836's famous Hans Christian Andersen's THE LITTLE MERMAID. In all of those tales, those people of the sea would be half human and half fish. The mother of all mermaids, the Assyrian goddess Atargatis. In the early 1700s, a specific tale in the ARABIAN NIGHTS (A...