Spoiler-Free Movie Review: CAPTAIN MARVEL

Comic book creators love captains. More than any other ranks, this is the one that has adorned an amazing amount of characters, from Captain America to Captain Atom , not forgetting Captain Britain , Captain Canuck , Captain Planet or Captain Caveman , and too many others to mention. But the case of CAPTAIN MARVEL , who is featured in the new MCU movie that I will review in a few paragraphs, is an interesting one. The name has been shared by at least 6 comic book characters, 4 of them already in the rather crowded Marvel Universe. An exhaustive dissertation of their history and significance would require a tome in itself, and I will instead try to compact this history in a few words. The first superhero to be branded with the name goes back all the way to 1939, as writer Bill Parker and artist C. C. Beck, working for Fawcett Comics, came up with a cape-wearing, super-strong flying superhero attired in primary colors that garnered record sales for its company. If it so...