Spoiler-Free Review: STAR WARS: Episode IX - The Rise Of Skywalker

The expectation must have been too great. I had seen some negative comments, so I was ready to accept a certain level of disappointment, yet I was still hoping. Enough to go see the film on the very first day it opened, both to satisfy my curiosity, and to prevent seeing some spoilery stuff on the web before seeing the film. George Lucas' STAR WARS has been part of my genetic makeup as a film lover ever since I saw the original in the theaters in 1977 when I was 12 years old. I liked movies before, but this started a lifelong passion with cinema, first in science-fiction, and then, a much broader spectrum as I grew older. While I loved the first two STAR WARS movies, I was however never a fan of RETURN OF THE JEDI , and positively detested the prequels, which I have never dared to revisit after my initial viewing at the theater. Still I was excited yet cautious in 2015 when a concluding trilogy was brought forth by Disney. It is an ambitious and scary endeavor; to find...