Before Home Video Part 1- The Richard J. Anobile Interview: Photonovels, Fankenstein, Alien, Groucho and me.

We live in a golden era for movie lovers; At any point, one can access a beloved movie by downloading it, streaming it, renting it or buying it. The entire History of cinema is literally at people’s fingertips. With a minimal amount of browsing either on your computer or on a television streaming service, literally thousands of movies can be accessed within minutes. And yet there are still moments when we’re going to complain ‘’there’s nothing good to watch’’. But there was a time when, not all that distant from now, if you wanted to experience a movie you loved, there were no ways to see it at any moment like now. Not on Youtube. Not as a torrent or on Netflix. Not a rental Blu-Ray or DVD. Not even on VHS. Before the eighties, when home video took hold of pop culture and invaded our homes, there were very few ways you could see your favourite film. Either you waited for it to play on TV, truncated, reformatted, censored and interrupted by commercials. Or you waited...